All You Want to Know About Coronavirus; Public Emergency Creates Concern Around the Globe

Coronaviruses (CoV) outburst creates global concerns; China has been impacted severely due to the menace of this virus. Coronavirus are not just a single virus but a family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). World Health Organization (WHO) had already declared it a global emergency. 

CoV turned out to be the epidemic disease that is responsible for around 213 mortalities in China alone. Hubei province suffered the most where the virus emerged in the animal market of Wuhan city. Over 10,000 cases have been reported in China alone and it is expected to increase further. According to WHO, over 100 cases in 18 other economies have been reported, however, no fatality recorded yet.

CoV will hit Chinese economy significantly; experts believe a 4% decrease in the quarterly economic growth of the country. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) had impacted the economy of China in 2002. CoV looks severe then SARS and expect to put China on backfoot for a while. Import, export, tourism, retail and aviation industry; among other industries will be severely affected by the virus. Loss of billions of dollars will impact the world’s fastest economy considerably.

Chinese government have been significantly dealing with the epidemic virus and have been taking necessary measures to curb its menace and bring back normalcy in the Chinese province. Chinese government will build 2 hospitals near the infected site. Chinese government will make the Huoshenshan Hospital functional in no less than 10 days and it expected to have 1,000 beds and occupy a 269,000 sq. ft. lot in the infected region. With an equally ambitious timeline is Leishenshan Hospital, a 323,000-sq. ft, 1,300-bed facility is expected to be functional after two days of Huoshenshan hospital.

China has stopped all flights and isolated 60 million people with partial or full seclusion owing to the risk of the coronavirus. Neighbouring countries such as Myanmar, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, India and Pakistan are taking necessary measures to bring students, employees and diplomates from the infected Chinese regions. Trade relations have been halted for indefinite time to avoid transmission of coronavirus.

Doctors advise to wear mask and avoid any direct contact to the infected patient. Wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap. Avoid consumption of any sort of raw meat as precautionary measure. Hoax and false information have been increasing around the globe. Experts negate the Coronavirus disease to be emerged from the soup of bat or any other animal-based diet. However, speculations are made about consumption of bats, snakes, or unorthodox source of meat since, the virus emerged from animal market of Wuhan city.